You can’t beat this advice. These loving and wise words come from our very own June Lewis. June started at StayWell 40 years ago. She was a young mother of four children who entered our health department office to inquire about WIC services for her family. Her poise, soft, well-spoken presence prompted then Executive Director, Karen Spargo, to offer her a position. She began part time, 12 hours a week as a community blood pressure monitor. She went door–to-door taking people’s blood pressure and educating them on the causes, dangers and risks of high blood pressure. “It was exciting and new every day. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to connect with so many great people, who welcomed me into their homes to learn about the importance of monitoring blood pressure.”
While she loved being in the community talking directly with patients, when she was offered an administrative position in the office she decided to transition to this role. It eventually led to full-time employment and with the support and encouragement of CEO Donald Thompson she was promoted to office manager. Today, she is the Practice Manager for Internal Medicine.
When asked how she would describe StayWell she stated “We are a resourceful group, giving high quality care with a positive, can-do attitude.” Many would describe her the same way. She explains that “if StayWell didn’t exist, community members would not have the same access to healthcare. StayWell is a safe place embedded in the community with trusted providers and staff. People know we are a place they can reach out to; we are here for them. We don’t turn anyone away.”
June is a legend within StayWell and in the community. She is often recognized outside of work in Waterbury, New Haven and as far away as New York City as “The StayWell Lady.” For all who have met her, it is obvious why she was hired many years ago. That poised, soft but well-spoken young woman continues to impact both patients and co-workers alike, with her kindness, care, and compassion for all those she meets. Thank you for your dedication and example, June!