Allergy Testing & Treatment

Find out how it can help you

Allergies in patients of all ages are frequent and often unrecognized. Seasonal and year round allergies can cause congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes, coughing, and discomfort. More serious allergies often lead to poor work or school performance, depression, and hospitalizations for asthma or other life-threatening medical conditions. 

In either case, we can help. 

If you are a StayWell patient, speak with your provider about allergy testing and someone will contact you to schedule a testing appointment. 

It Starts with a Test

StayWell offers two types of allergy tests:

  • An environmental test that tests for grasses, trees, molds, dust and other things common to Connecticut
  • A food test that tests for 28 of the most common food items

StayWell offers allergy “scratch” testing. This type of test involves scratching the surface of your skin, adding a small amount of a pollen or other substance you may be allergic to, and waiting to see if an allergic reaction occurs. Reactions look like small mosquito bites when they occur.

The test is reliable and fast. Most patients describe the test as being “very lightly scratched.”

Allergy test appointments take about 30 minutes and results are available immediately. 

Find a Testing Site

StayWell offers allergy testing to all their patients at our 80 Phoenix Avenue location. 

Register for allergy testing at StayWell:

  • In person at 80 Phoenix Avenue, Waterbury, CT
  • By phone at 203-756-8021 ext 3082

Find a Testing Site

Positive Test Results

If you test positive, you and your primary care provider will then decide the best course of action and your next steps.


Allergy immunotherapy is a century old effective treatment for allergies. It is a series of injections with extremely small needles that is designed individually for you to treat for what you are allergic to. Immunotherapy is only available for environmental allergies, not food allergies. 

An immunotherapy injection contains an extremely small amount of the specific thing you tested positive for and to which you were allergic, serum albumin, and sterile saline. We use no drugs of any kind in our immunotherapy and the treatment is safe. You can also search “Immunotherapy for Allergies” on Google for more information. 



Frequently Asked Questions

Does it Hurt?

While every patient experiences pain differently, the majority of patients state that they cannot feel the injection.

How long does Immunotherapy take?

Immunotherapy involves receiving 2 injections per week for 1 year. The treatment is spread over 5 vials. The appointments themselves are generally 5-10 minutes and when beginning new vials, are 30 minutes. There are only 5 of the longer appointments. 

What happens if I miss an appointment?

If you miss an appointment, we will repeat the previous injection dose. If you miss several doses, you will need to go back to a lower concentration.

Can I take allergy medicine during the treatment?

Yes, definitely take your medications throughout your treatment. 

What if I am pregnant or planning to become pregnant?

We do not recommend immunotherapy for patients who are planning on becoming pregnant. If you become pregnant while on immunotherapy, we do not recommend to increase the dose. Your primary care provider may elect to discontinue treatment until after pregnancy. 

Why do I need an EpiPen?

Your doctor will prescribe an EpiPen as a precaution. You will probably never need to use it, but it is important that you have it available as a precaution. 

Can I continue immunotherapy if I am sick with a cold?


Will it cure my allergies?

Allergy immunotherapy treat the root cause of your allergies. It has the effect of greatly reducing or eliminating your allergy symptoms. 

StayWell Health Center provides comprehensive services to meet the needs of our patients.

With more than 10 locations in Waterbury, CT, we are here to serve you!