6 Health Tips you need to know for Women’s Health Week

Women’s Health

May 11, 2022

Women's HealthThe week of May 8th through May 14th is National Women’s Health Week, which is celebrated in the United States to raise awareness about women’s health and issues that are specific to women. Women and girls have changed their healthcare habits in the last two years thanks to the pandemic, but it’s time to get back on track and start taking better care of our health. We’ve pulled together a few easy tips to help you get back on track.

Maintain a healthy weight

As we age, our body weight changes for many different reasons. Health conditions, pregnancy, and mental health all play roles in weight management. Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and the risk of stroke. The question is what is a healthy weight? Everyone has a different healthy weight based on their height and other health factors. Our body weight fluctuates from factors like eating habits, family history, lack of sleep, level of physical activity and medications you may take. Unhealthy habits also put you at risk to put more weight on.

To determine what your health weight is, talk with your doctor about what your body mass index (BMI) is and how it’s used to determine if you are overweight, underweight or right where you should be. 

Manage stress

sneakers and weightsLife is stressful, there’s no question about that. Stress effects everyone differently both physically and mentally. Beyond the worrying, anger, irritability, depression and inability to focus that comes with stress, our bodies suffer physically through pain.

Physical effects:

  • Headaches
  • Exhaustion and trouble sleeping
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Muscle tension
  • Upset stomach
  • Weakened immune system

Finding ways to manage that stress can vastly help our physical and mental health. There are plenty of ways that you can find to de-stress, even if it’s just for a few minutes here and there.

  • Spend some time outside. Go for a hike, have a picnic, or spend some time meditating in a peaceful setting.
  • Take a class to get your body moving and your mind to slow down. Yoga and other fitness classes are a great way to destress and check exercise off your daily list.
  • Spend an evening with friends to catch up or confide in a trusted friend or family member who may be able to help or just offer a sympathetic ear.
Cancer screenings

The “C” word. No one wants to hear this word in a diagnosis, but there are screenings your doctor can do at your regular checkup to help with early detection. Routine screenings reduce the chances of someone dying from cancer because they are able to catch it early with the screenings. Your doctor will screen for certain types of cancers by asking questions about symptoms you may be having. If they feel there is a risk based on your answers or there is a family history, your doctor can send you to a specialist for further tests. Common cancer screenings include colorectal cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, and even skin cancer. To learn more about cancer screenings, visit cancer.gov.

Ob/Gyn visits

Women's HealthLet’s cut to the chase, no one really enjoys going to see the Ob/Gyn, but it’s a necessity for women of all ages to routinely go.

“Your OB/GYN practitioner offers more than just a Pap smear- we can help with issues like menopause and birth control, breastfeeding and pregnancy, mammograms and vaginal infections. Whatever your issue is you can call us.” -Susan, Certified Nurse Midwife at StayWell.

Generally, a woman should start seeing a gynecologist between the ages of 11 and 18 to address health concerns and get a baseline for their own health. Along with addressing issues in regards to puberty and painful menstrual cycles, as women get older they can address fertility issues, help with family planning and guide you through menopause.


Drink water

WaterThere are a lot of drink options out there these days but none better than plain water. Besides having zero calories and keeping you hydrated during the day, water has a lot of other benefits. We’ve listed a few below!

  • Helps digestion and kidney function
  • Drinking water before a meal helps curb your appetite
  • Keeps your body hydrated
  • Helps regulate body temperature

We aren’t saying that you should only drink water, but certain drinks like alcohol and sugary soda should be consumed in moderation. Both contribute to weight loss and the risk for diabetes and high blood pressure.


Balanced diet

Have you ever heard the saying “You are what you eat”? There’s a reason that saying exists! Eating a lot of junk food and fast food isn’t healthy and often leads to weight gain, high blood pressure and other health issues. A balanced diet helps meet basic nutritional needs of your body, and also helps with weight loss, maintaining a healthy weight and preventing or lowering the risk of health complications. So what are some of the benefits?

  • Lowering the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes
  • Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight
  • Giving your body, and brain, the energy it needs to be physically and mentally active
  • Getting essential vitamins your body needs to stay healthy

While all that we just listed can be applied to both men and women, a balanced diet can also affect your reproductive health and your body might have different nutritional needs during that time. Speaking with your doctor or OB/GYN can help define what your needs are and what is healthy for you. To learn more about women’s nutrition, check out the Office on Women’s Health website.

You can also check out our 2021 blog: Women’s Health: 8 Tips for a healthier you for more great tips! 

The StayWell Health Center Team