8 Spring Tips to get Healthy

April 29, 2021

Spring has arrived here in New England and after a long winter we’re ready to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather. Generally, the Spring season is a good boost for both physical and mental health. Now is the time to think about taking small steps to make you and your home healthier. Here’s a few easy tips to getting healthy. 

Tip #1 – Get outside and get active

During the winter months it can be hard to not only find the motivation to get outside and be active, but the weather doesn’t always allow you to get outside. With temperatures warming, now is a great time to get outside and be more active. Whether that’s by cleaning up the yard, going to the park with your kids or pets, or getting in an outdoor workout, being active is much easier. State parks are now open for hiking, picnic’s and other activities. The spring season and warm air is also a natural booster for your mental health. To find a list of hiking spots in Connecticut, check out alltrails.com.


Tip #2- Getting a safe amount of Vitamin D

One of the benefits to getting outside is getting more vitamin D from the sunshine. What we tend to forget is that after the long winter, our skin is more sensitive and prone to sunburns. Make sure you’re applying sunscreen and practicing safe sun to avoid painful and damaging sunburns. Vitamin D is also great for helping stay healthy and happier. If you do get sunburned, here are a few ways to treat it.


Tip #3- Schedule your Doctors Appointments

We’re all guilty of postponing or cancelling doctor’s appointments during the winter because of inclement weather, illness, or work-related reasons. Covid has made cancelling and delaying appointments even easier. As we start to see vaccinations for Covid and better weather, now is a great time to reschedule those appointments you’ve been putting off. Check in with your doctors and dentists and make sure that you are healthy. For those who have chronic diseases or other health risks, it is especially important to schedule your routine appointments. 


Tip #4- Spring Cleaning

Warm air means the ability to open windows in your home and let some fresh air in. At the same time, it’s the perfect time to move the furniture away from the walls and get rid of those dust bunnies that have built up over the winter. Opening the windows in your home will help move air through and push out stale winter air along with dust, odors, and any germs that might be in the air. 

Farmers market


Tip #5- Get your diet in shape

It’s easy to slack off on eating healthy for one reason or another during colder months either because you aren’t as social, holiday foods are all over the place, or people crave comfort foods during the winter. Farmers Markets begin to open up during the spring and run through the fall which means local fruits and vegetables. This is a great way to get back into a good diet and help support your local community at the same time. To find a local farmers market near you, click here.


Tip #6- Start that DIY project

We all have a list of projects that we either need or want to do. Spring is the perfect time to get outside and work on these projects. Not only is it great to be outside but completing a project from your list will give you a good mood boost too!

Tip #7- Hydrate!

As with any season, drink water! Staying hydrated is key to living a healthy lifestyle and especially when doing any kind of physical activity or workout. Not drinking enough water can result in dehydration which can cause headaches, confusion, extreme thirst, and fatigue. 

Tip #8- Change your workspace or your common space

Many of us are still working or attending school from home and spending more time than normal in our homes. Change it up by rearranging the furniture in your common living areas and give your home a new feel. Rearranging furniture gives you a chance to deep clean and refresh your home at the same time and can even increase productivity and creativity.  

The StayWell Health Center Team