Wondering if it's safe to go back to the dentist during Covid? Absolutely! February is Children's Dental Hygiene Awareness Month and we're talking about a few things you should know, and what you can do from home!Read More
Did you know that the Winter Blues are really a thing? We explain exactly what Seasonal Affective Disorder really is and what you can do to combat it.Read More
The holidays are over and it's time to get back on track with our health. We've provided a few tips to help you have a healthier winter season.Read More
Making New Years resolutions is easy, sticking with them and achieving them is the hard part. We're offering a few easy tips to help you make and stick to your goals this year.Read More
This year for National Health Education week, we asked a few of our staff members to tell us what they do and how they help educate our patients.Read More
Primary Care Providers offer a wide variety of services to help their patients stay healthy. Learn what PCP's do, what services they offer, and what the benefits are in having a designated primary care provider in your corner.Read More
More than 50 million Americans are waking up with stuffed noses, itchy or watery eyes, coughing, or sore throats because of allergies. Find our if you have allergies and how you can get tested.Read More