Picture this: 1980, there’s a big epidemic on HIV/AIDS, it’s taking out everyone who gets it, friends are dropping like flies, there was medication they were taking that consists of 3-16 pills. Some had to take it twice a day, then take over the counter medication to fight the side effects.Read More
Working out during the summer is easier for most people because the weather is warmer, you can do more activities outside, and there are more activities available. However, working out during the summer months can be more strenuous on your body. We have provided some simple tips to help make your summer workout a little...Read More
COVID-19 has put a halt on mostly everyone’s summer plans. Families are not taking their previously planned vacations because of financial strain, travel restrictions and most importantly wanting to keep everyone safe. This doesn’t mean that you have to let COVID stop the fun you and your children can have together. Here a few out...Read More
Summer is a great time to get outside and be more active, but it’s also when doctors offices and emergency rooms see an increase in patient visits for bug bites, sunburns, and other illnesses. Here’s a few of the common issues that could have you spending time at the Doctors Office instead of enjoying your...Read More
In our busy society, the idea of slowing down to focus on Self-Care is often an unfamiliar concept for many. Over the years of working with patients, I have helped patients implement self-care practices as part of their journey toward wellness.Read More
As we live our modern lives that tend to be sedentary and fast paced, our childrens nutrition has suffered. We used to make meals with our family three times a day as a routine. Now we often reach for what is quick and tasty, satisfying our hunger while compromising our own nutrition. Our children as...Read More
As the weather warms up and people are spending more time outside, it’s a great time to think about your health and the easy steps you can take this summer to stay healthy and active!Read More
On March 25th, Senator Blumenthal appeared on the Chaz & AJ show on 99.1 PLR to speak about the new stimulus package for those suffereing during the Coronavirus. The package will help not only the hospitals and Health Centers in Connecticut, but will also help small buisinesses to help stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic....Read More